Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Update #3

"Our team would first like to thank all of you for your love and support. Your prayers have definitely been felt. As our small propeller planes began to land in the Arua airport, we could see the lush green landscape, the Nile River and the thatched roofs of the tukles (African huts). The team was hit with the reality that we were actually in Africa. Of course if that wasn't enough, the dirt runway was enough to remind us where we were.

We boarded our buses and jeeps and began the long drive to Midigo. On the way, we noticed the devastation that the lack of rain has caused. Most of the crops have been burned out and there has been no rain here for five months. With all this devastation, the people walking along the road were still so joyful to see our buses go by. As the team waved, the countenance of the people changed, and we were greeted with warm smiles and waves. There has been such a food shortage in this area; it seems as though just our presence is bringing hope.

We arrived at our Safe Harbor compound, had a wonderful meal, and retired to our tukles with the giant lizards, spiders, and malaria nets. The team had a good night's rest and were very refreshed by the ice cold showers in the morning.

Today we started the day off with worship and devotions and the team was excited to finally do what God has called us to do; love the people of Midigo and share the Gospel.We broke into our three assigned teams; the pastor's conference team, the medical outreach team, and the evangelism team.

The pastor's conference has been amazing. The people here have such a love for the Lord and a passion to learn more about God's Word. As each of the teachers shared, the people were attentive and taking notes. Today they had three main sessions and three workshops. The workshops were crowded and it was a great time for us as teachers to get to know the pastors intimately. Teaching the pastors here how to teach verse-by-verse is a big blessing. Many of the pastors and leaders have been so excited about the Word being taught, they have invited us to do more teaching in their own villages.

The medical team hit the ground running and instantly dispersed to their assigned areas. While overall the team enjoyed serving, it was a very difficult day for them emotionally. The sickness was overwhelming with malaria being the most prevalent of the illnesses. Today was a day for our team to learn about tropical medicine and for many of our team members to train the Midigo staff how to use the new equipment that we brought to them. Please pray for the medical team as they have seen and experienced some very difficult situations.

The outreach team visited the villages and met 14 of the Promise Children and their families. We learned how your support has been helping the children, we shared the Gospel with them and their families, installed malaria nets in their huts, and prayed for them. God opened up amazing doors as the team went to speak to one Promise Child at a Muslim school. The school master brought all of the children from the school outside to sit under a mango tree while our worship leader played his guitar and sang a few songs for them. The children loved the music so much, that they were singing and clapping their hands. The children and teachers listened carefully when we presented the Gospel using the Evangecube. When we gave them an invitation to accept Jesus as their Saviour, one of the teachers and the director of the school raised their hands. Everyone on the team felt involved. From praying with an elderly grandmother that was ill, to playing with the children, teaching children how to play the guitar, installing malaria nets, and praying for the families; everyone felt used by the Lord.

Tomorrow is another day full of similar ministry opportunities. Please pray that our teams will be led by the Spirit and that many souls will be won for Christ. We again would like to thank you for your prayers and support. We love you all very much.

The 2009 Uganda Mission Team

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Wonderful update! I can't wait to hear Danielle's description of her first impressions of this beautiful and vast continent. And more...I can't wait to hear how the people of this continent has impacted her heart, soul & mind. She will never be the same again...I wonder if she will get bit by the "African bug" like I did?!?!!!